Hone Your Attention Skills

Attention is a Super Function -- it overlaps with almost every area of thinking. Even small slips in attention can have big consequences in other parts of your brain. read more...

Sharpen Your Searching and Sorting Strategies

Distraction and competing bits of information often make picking out what is important in a situation complicated. The best way to hone those skills is to practice in situations that replicate real life. read more...

Exercise Your Executive Functions

Executive functioning covers a wide range of skills that all contribute to managing and controlling life. This command center helps you plan, organize, and make sense out of your world. read more...

Perfect Your Processing Speed

Processing speed is gauged by how quickly, fluently, and easily you perform every day thinking tasks. Can you pull out the right word or solve a math problem quickly? read more...

Make New Brain Connections

Discoveries in neuroplasticity shattered the old notion that the brain is hardwired and follows strict patterns that don’t change. Traditional thinking says that brain cells don’t regenerate. Not so!read more...

Practice Placing Things in Categories

The things we learn throughout our lives can create significant physical changes in the brain that help us function better. We can direct those changes by targeting specific functions we want to improve and then practice them. When you repeat an activity, retrieve a memory, and review what you learned, you build stronger connections in the brain. read more...

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